Banyumas established in 1582, tepamya on Friday Kliwon dated 6 April 1582 AD, or to coincide the 12th Robiul Awwal 990 Hijri.Then determined by local regulation (Government Area) Regency Banyumas No. 2 of 1990.The existence of Banyumas history as the first founders are Raden Joko Kahiman which then meniadi Regents of the first known iulukan or title MARAPAT Duke (Duke MRAPAT).The short history starting from the era of the Sultanate of display, under Sultan Hadiwijaya Raia.The story at that time there has been an incident that happened to (death) into the Duke Wirasaba VI (Main Residents to I) because of errors Kanjeng understanding of the Sultan at the time, resulting in unfortunate killings in Bener Village, District Lowano, Purworeio District (now) when Duke Wirasaba on the way home from pisowanan to Paiang. From these events to make amends, the Sultan Pajang, call the son of Duke Wirasaba but not that brave face.Then one of them in-law's son who ventured to face with the notes later get angry when faced his own will, and if it gets the grace / mercy of the other sons should not be jealous. And in fact given the gift of a Duke graduate Wirasaba to VII.Since then son-in-law of R. Joko Kahiman into Duke with the title of Duke of CITIZEN MAIN II.Then on his return from the Sultanate of greatness Pajang heart with permission Kanjeng Sultan, Duchy Wirasaba earth is divided into four parts given to in-law.1. Banjar region aquaculture given to Kyai Ngabei Wirayuda.2. Merden territory given to the Kyai Ngabei Wirakusuma.3. Wirasaba territory given to the Kyai Ngabei Wargawijaya.4. Keiawar territory controlled by himself and then built with open forest Mangli built government center and given the Banyumas.Because the wisdom of dividing the territory into four for the Duchy in-law then called Duke Marapat.Who Raden Joko Kahiman it?.R. Joko Kahiman is the son of R. Banyaksasro with the mother of Sand Luhur. R. Banyaksosro is the son of R. Baribin a Majapahit prince as a mistake then escape into Pajajaran which eventually paired with Ratu Ayu Dyah Pamekas daughter of King Pajajaran.While the mother Banyaksosro Nyi R. Joko Kahiman is putrid Duke Many Galeh (Mangkubumi II) from Sand Luhur since small R.Joko Kahiman raised by Kyai Sambarta with the putrid R. Nyai Ngaisah Baribin the youngest.Duke Geleh Many are descendants to 9 of R. Aria Bangah of Galuh Pakuan Pajajaran son.From the history revealed that R. Joko Kahiman is a very noble SATRIA to be exemplified by all citizens Banyumas especially because it reflects:a. Altruistic nature that is not selfish.b. Development is a formidable fighter, responsive and tanggon.c. Plant spirit of unity unity (Majapahit, Galuh Pakuan, Pajajaran) into one of blood and provide prosperity to all his brothers.Thus was not wrong in and work ethic FOR MOTO Banyumas SATRIA.
Candy or solar sengkala for the day so Banyumas is "Agreed BEKTINING TUMATANING Praja" means the year 1582.When interpreted with the sentence is "the Lord's intention WORKING MAN IN OFFICE / Agreed TERTATANYA WILL EARN ANY GOVERNMENT OR awakening."THE REGENT since Duke AND INCORPORATIONDISTRICT BANYUMAS YEAR 15821. R. Joko Kahiman, Duke of Citizens II2. R. Merta Ngabei Sura (1560)3. R. Ngabei Mertasura II (Ngabei Kalidethuk) (1561 -1620)4. R. Ngabei Mertayuda I (Ngabei Onions) (1620-1650)5. R. Tumenggung Mertayuda II (RT Seda Mosque, RT Yudanegara I) Year 1650-17056. R. Tumenggung Suradipura (1705 -1707)7. R. Tumenggung Yudanegara II (RT Seda Pendapa) Year 1707 -1743.8. R. Tumenggung Reksapraja (1742 -1749)9. R. Tumenggung Yudanegara III (1755) subsequently appointed as the Sultan of Yogyakarta title Patih Danureja I.10. R. Tumenggung Yudanegara IV (1745 - 1780)11. R.T. Tejakusuma, Tumenggung Kemong (1780 -1788)12. R. Tumenggung Yudanegara V (1788 - 1816)13. Kasepuhan: R. Duke Cokronegara (1816 -1830) Kanoman: R.Duke Brotodiningrat (R. T. Martadireja)14. R.T. Martadireja II (1830 -1832) and then moved to Navan (Ajibarang).15. R. Duke Cokronegara I (1832 - 1864)16. R. Duke Cokronegara II (1864 -1879)17. Kanjeng Prince Arya Martadireja II (1879 -1913)18. KPAA Gandasubrata (1913 - 1933)19. RAA. Sujiman Gandasubrata (1933 - 1950)20. R. Moh. Purwodireja Kabul (1950 - 1953)21. R. Budiman (1953 -1957)22. M. Mirun Prawiradireja (30 - 01 - 1957 / 15 - 12 - 1957)23. R. Baby Nuntoro (15 - 12 - 1957 / 1960)24. R. Subagio (1960 -1966)25. Lt. Col. Inf. Sukarno, the Great (1966 -1971)26. Kol. Inf. Poedjadi Jaringbandayuda (1971 -1978)27. Kol. Inf. R.G. Rujito (1978 -1988)28. Kol. Inf. H. Djoko Sudantoko (1988 - 1998)29. Kol. Art. HM Aris Setiono, SH, S. IP (1998 - present)

MONUMENT relay PurwokertoCandra or surya sengkala fori Kabupaten Banyumas birthday is "BEKTINING MANGGALA TUMATANING PRAJA" artinya tahun 1582.