Banyumas Raya Fair
In the framework of the 429th Anniversary BANYUMASentrepreneurship and interest in KAB Banyumas. Biggest EventSe-BARLINGMASCAKEB will offer some entrepreneurialExhibition in Banyumas district, held at the Auditorium of the University jedral this Soedirman, Banyumas Kingdom Fair is heldfor 2 consecutive days. The following are events that will betomorrow Saturday diadaka
Business 1.Seminar Bob Sadino And Meeting
2.Pameran / Business Expo and Exhibition Development
3.Penghargaan Entrepreneurs / Business Best
Business 4.Temu
5.Career Expo
Business 6.Wisata
7.Bursa Books
8.Pameran Education
9.Deklarasi Independent Youth Movement
How to Book 10.Lounching Sane So Entrepreneur
Brand 11.Lounching BE SCHOOL (School of Business Navan)
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