pancuran 7
Total land area of area attractions Baturraden is 16.5 ha, with an area of 4 hectares of land investment. Status of land is HPL (rights management) Local Government (Pemda).Baturraden specialty lies in the variety of types of attractions on offer. In addition to the main tourist Baturraden, in this area there are many other tourist sites are also interesting to visit, among which are:1. Botanical Garden. This park provides a variety of ornamental plants, plants bongsai, and rare plants, such as Havana Plants, Leaves god, Brimulia, rodent tuber, Antarium Lipstick, Palm Paris, Tongue Elephant, and Widoro Sea. Price of these crops is quite cheap and can be reached by visitors who want to make it as a souvenir.2. Curug Gede. Sightseeing Tours is located in the Village Ketenger, the distance is about 3 km from Baturraden. There are a beautiful waterfall.3. Shower Pitu, a distance of 2.5 km from Baturraden. This shower is located 2.5 km from Baturraden. This shower is a source of geothermal water with temperature 60 ° -70 ° C, which directly flows from the foot of Mount Slamet through seven showers.4. Telu shower. Shower was inaugurated on January 18, 1987.This shower drain hot water with a temperature of 40'C sulfur which is said to cure skin diseases and bone.5. Wana Wisata. Sightseeing is located 2 km from Baturraden.Wana Wisata presents a view of green forests and beautiful. This place is perfect for camping activities and jungle tracking.6. Silent Lake. This lake is located on the east, a distance of about 3.5 km from Baturraden. Is somewhat beautiful lake, the water was clear and cold.7. Park Kaloka Widya Mandala, which is a zoo tour as well as education. In this park there are a number of animals brought in, both from domestic and abroad, such as leg three goat, elephant, monkey, cow foot five, python, monkey, porcupine, crocodile Irian, orangutans, and deer. In this tourist complex also contained Endangered Wildlife Museum which contains animals such as sun bears, Sumatran tigers, and clouded leopard.In addition to the attractions that quite a lot, Batu Raden region is also characterized by art and cultural facilities, namely:1. Grebeg Shura or Alms Earth. The ceremony was held on the 9 Months Shura. The purpose is as a starting reinforcements, namely by doing such activities ruwat earth and salvation at the tombs of their ancestors.2. Kenthongan, is a typical musical arts Banyumas. The main tool of this art is a form of pieces of bamboo Kenthong a given hole in the side lengthwise. To play it necessary dikentong.3. Calung and Lengger. Calung is also a musical instrument made of bamboo pieces, placed transversely, and played with beated.While Lengger is a dance that is played, two women or more and accompanied by calung.4. Banyumas traditional clothes. Banyumas traditional clothes are of two kinds, namely clothing for the underprivileged (like clothing ancingan, bebed wala, pinjungan, iketan, and nempean) and clothing for the nobility (nyamping beskap for men and for women).5. Ebeg (kuda lumping). Banyumas Ebeg a traditional dance with his trademark braids using the horse. The show is usually accompanied by gamelan called Bendhe.6. The exhibition of ornamental plants, such as havana, god leaves, and palm paris.7. Sadranan. This ritual of cleaning the tomb, followed by the event kenduren. The aim is to commemorate the spirits of the ancestors.Baturraden located on the south foot of Mount Slamet at an altitude of about 640 meters above sea level. The location of these attractions are in the north and is about 14 km from the town of Purwokerto, Banyumas regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia.To get to the location, visitors can use a private vehicle or public transportation. From Navan Town travel can be taken within 15 minutes. Visitors can use public transportation from the terminal Kebondalem Purwokerto the major tourist sites Batu Raden.In lokawisata Baturaden there are a number of facilities that can be enjoyed, namely:1. Swimming pool (IDR 1500.00 per person)2. Swimming sliding (IDR 1500.00 per person)3. Massage scrub sulfur and hot water bath (IDR 15000.00 per person)4. Bicycle water (IDR 1500.00 per person)5. VIP hot water bath (IDR 3000.00, maximum 15 minutes)6. Hot Water Bath Class I (IDR 2000.00, maximum 15 minutes)7. Mogen or car genjot (IDR 1500.00, maximum 15 minutes)8. Carousel (IDR 1500.00, maximum 15 minutes)9. Mini Train (IDR 2000.00 per person)There are plenty of accommodation and facilities available at this Baturraden attractions, which are as follows:1. In the tourist center there are many villas Baturraden, guesthouse Baturraden, and hotels.2. In the east there is also a tourist area Baturraden many villas and hotels.3. In the west there Baturraden tourist area:• Many of the hotel.• Bureau of tours. Baturraden not have its own travel agency. They cooperate with the Government Banyumas by facilitating a number of agencies or travel agents.• A number of restaurants.• Kertiwana Building, located next to the camp area Baturraden.Building designed specifically one with nature is able to accommodate 500 people.• SPA Palawi Baturraden, as facilities for the SPA and Aromateraphy.• House accommodation (homestay) contained in the tourist village Ketenger and provided to the public.• Some of the bungalow or a rental house as a resting place.• Some services guide, which is more devoted to foreign tourists.• nightclub.• Therapeutic massage and bath scrubs sulfur. This facility is a health tourism by utilizing sources of hot water containing a high sulfur content.• Terminal Baturraden. This terminal serves as a place of arrival and departure of vehicles into the Park Baturraden, such as public buses, tourist buses and private vehicles.• souvenir stalls, offering a number of goods, like clothing, shoes, sandals, jackets, toys, and accessories, other accessories.• adequate parking |